Our Services

Welcome to CAMHS

We're glad you're here! CAMHS stands for Counseling and Mental Health Services.  We have a great team of clinicians to support you.

All initial consultations are conducted by telephone. We offer in-person visits for intakes and counseling sessions primarily at HUHS in the Smith Campus Center, located at 75 Mt. Auburn Street, 4th floor (go to the BACK of Smith Center); and some in-person appointments may be at satellite locations (HMS and HLS). We also offer remote telemedicine sessions, if requested. 

Even though these have been challenging times, getting started at CAMHS is easy. It typically begins with an initial 20-minute phone consultation so we can learn about your concerns and make recommendations for the best next steps.  It's best to schedule a consultation call on the patient portal as soon as possible if you are considering counseling services. As the semester progresses the amount of wait time for an Initial Consultation may increase. Remember, if you need support very quickly, urgent care is always available. Find out more about how to get started.

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