Six Steps to Managing a Stressful Situation

Woman sitting in fall foliage, looking away from camara.


Stress is a normal part of life. Sometimes it can feel overwhelming. It can be helpful to take a pause, even for a few minutes. 

  1. STOP – Just for a moment, stop what you are doing and the continuous flow of negative thoughts and judgments about the situation.  
  2. BREATHE – Take three deep breaths. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly. Imagine cooling a bowl of hot soup. Feel your abdomen rise and fall, releasing any tension in your body as you exhale. 
  3. STRETCH – Release the tension in your body. Open your arms wide. Reach up to the sky. Touch your toes. Clench and unclench your fists. Stretch out your fingers. Open your jaw wide. Stick out your tongue. Open your eyes wide.  
  4. REFLECT – Consider what is really going on in a neutral way. Just the facts. Is the situation crisis? Or, is it a challenge that can be managed? What can you do now to cope? Do what works to calm the mind and body in a beneficial way.  
  5. CHOOSE – Recognize that you have choices. You can notice where your attention goes and then choose to redirect your attention to another possible thought about the situation. You can make a choice about how you will respond instead of reacting. You can make a choice to ask for help. Notice what your choices are.  
  6. ENCOURAGE – As you breathe out, say to yourself a simple word or phrase of encouragement, such as:     
  • “Calm.”  
  • “Wait, step back. This is a challenge not an emergency.”  
  • “This will pass.” 
  • “I’m doing the best I can right now.”  
  • “I’m not alone. Others get stressed, too.” 
  • “It’s ok to ask for help.” 

You can even say your name as if talking to a friend who needs encouragement, with a kind and caring tone.  

Keep breathing, slowly and deeply. 


You are not alone! Check out the student workshops and groups at CAMHS, Peer Counseling, and the Center for Wellbeing and Health Promotion